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  • Registrant : 清瀬市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/10/25
  • Published : 2023/10/25
  • Changed :2023/10/25
  • Total View : 666 persons
2024/1/24 - 2024/3/13 / 清瀬市 / Education / Children

Mom's Time

Although it is fun to watch your children grow up, mothers are usually so busy with childcare that it is difficult to have time for themselves.

We all enjoy watching our children grow up, but mothers are often so busy raising their children that it is difficult to find time for themselves. This group is a place where mothers can have a moment to relax and recharge by listening to others who are feeling the same way and talking about their own difficult feelings. During the time moms are attending the group, children are taken care of by our professional staff and provided with a place to play. Reservations are required only for the first time, but not for the second and subsequent times. Please make a reservation using the "Mom's Time Group Dedicated Reservation Form" below.
Individual consultations are also available. Reservations are required for each individual consultation. Please call us to make a reservation for individual consultation.

*Please note that the meeting will be held in the morning from FY2023.

Address 清瀬市
Date 2024/1/24 - 2024/3/13
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Vivinavi - Events

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